Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Burning Book"

At first thought when I would think about a world without book, I really did not think too much of it.  Honestly in the short run I do not think it would affect me much.  However, the more I think about it the more I think the world would be a worse place without any books.  For starters our education is very important when it comes to books.  People who read books usually have a stronger vocabulary since they see the different words in the books that they read.  Secondly, reading keeps your mind sharper then just watching TV.  When watching TV you just go into a trance sometimes and you stay in that trance even after you stop watching the TV.  When reading a book, you have to process what is written to what you imagine it looks like.  This keeps your mind constantly working and keeping it sharp and keeps you alert in general.  Right now I do not think I would miss books, but when I have been out of school for a little bit and books are no longer a requirement to read and do not appear to be a chore for me to do I think I would miss them.  I personally can never see books ever being outlawed.
We burn books everyday by instead of reading the books we just spend 2 hours to watch a movie that is depicted from a director's imagination which is not your own.  I admit that I am definitely guilty of "burning books", because I would much rather watch the movie instead of reading the book.  Also, back to the reality TV topic is a way of burning books.  They provide us with not literate knowledge, or even educational lessons that books can teach us.  So instead of reading a book that is meaningful, we watch a fake "reality" TV show.  Also, these reality stars have a horrible  vocabulary, and watching them may actually hurt our IQ.  So instead of watching them, we should read books to extend our vocabulary and trigger our imagination to keep our brains sharp and full of meaningful knowledge.  I know I contradict myself a lot when talking about this since I next to never read books, and always watch TV, but some day I really would like to change that.  In my honest opinion once I get out of school and no longer see books as "work" I think I will enjoy them more.


  1. I completely agree with you. Books are very important to our education. I didn't think about that when I thought about a world without books. Books do trigger our imagination better then watching tv and I hate how people on tv talk with bad vocabulary, it makes us look bad as a whole.

  2. I didn't even think of us burning books by watching the movie instead. That's an interesting comparison. I also think I wouldn't miss books at first just because we are forced to read them right now.

  3. I think there are a lot of people out there that could enjoy reading if it weren't for school. Personally, I really enjoy reading, but it is hard for me sometimes to read books on my own during the school year because of the fact that I always have so much to read for classes.

  4. Watching movies is definitely a form of burning books. I agree with not missing books at first, but in the end I think we all would.
