Friday, February 11, 2011


"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately..."  I think I could actually do that.  Not for a long time, but sometimes it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  I go up to a hunting camp about once a year where there is no running water, and no cell phone service.  It is in the middle of the woods with a little creek running behind it with only dirt roads leading to and away from it.  I love sitting by the creek with the sound of running water and bird sounds and rustling of the trees in the wind.  However, that is only for a few weekends throughout the year, and not for weeks at a time.  This I think lets me know that I do not live with a "feed" installed in my head.  I can get away and survive without all the technology around me.  

This leads me to the extra credit assignment.  Right now at this time in my life, I could not go a week without using my cell phone, or my e-mail.  I do not have a land line at my apartment, and my supervisors from my internship would have no way to get in touch with me.  The majority of my classes include group projects which are going to be due in the next month require me to constantly check my e-mail, and text on my phone about meeting times, and what is due on what days.  I think it would be interesting to see if I could go without tv, because I love watching sports in the evening to relax and enjoy a few minutes away from my stressful school life.  Also, I do not think my girlfriend would be too happy with me if I stopped using my phone for a week. 

With all of this being I said I do think our society needs to learn to live without technology for a few weekends throughout the year.  Our culture runs on technology, while there is nothing wrong with that, I do think some time away from it is good for everyone.  


  1. I agree, sometimes it would be nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, its nice that you have a place where you can do that. I agree with you that right now would be a hard time to just give up everything. I doubt our society would be able to live without technology for even a day, which is sad to think.

  2. I don't think we'll ever escape the reach of technology. I agree that a weekend without technology would be a good idea but anything longer than a week would be dreadful. It is so much easier to get a hold of people with cell phones and computers, trying to get in touch without means going back to knocking on peoples doors and seeing what they're up to and if they aren't there then there's a different situation.

  3. I would also have to agree with you that it would be hard to just give everything up right now to live in solitude. As nice as the idea sounds, you would miss out on so much in one year. It sounds pathetic, but who knows if you would be able to even keep up afterwards.

  4. I think it would be good to get away from technology as well but it's too difficult with being away from home and having to contact family and work.

  5. I'm currently on the second day of the Thoreau Challenge, and it's interesting to realize how much we do everyday that involves technology. It makes me realize that it would be nearly impossible for us to actually cut technology completely out of our lives for a year or so. I liked your idea of getting away from technology even for a weekend or so.
