Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Brother Is Watching

In the novel 1984 Big Brother is always watching them through the video screens everywhere.  Either writing or thinking is the only way you can have privacy.  Today in our society we are starting to see that we have to give up some freedoms for our security and safety.  After 9/11 our world change completely, and we have to give up some of our privacy to ensure our safety.  The Patriot Act was enacted shortly after 9/11 by the Bush administration.  Some people complained because it is similar to "Big Brother" because gov't officials could tap into phone calls if they were some kind of risk or other key word warning that enacted an alert.  People said this was an intrusion of privacy, and while it sort of is, if you have nothing to hide then what is the big deal.  Also, this past year the TSA are now able to pat you down and give you searches that may make some people very uncomfortable.  There was a big issue raised because it once again invaded your privacy.  My viewpoint of that is if this stops bombs from being put on planes, or other threats then I have no problem with that.  I would rather be alive then having a few privacies lost

This link is a parody that 99.3 Kiss FM in Harrisburg has played about the TSA thing.  It is pretty funny in my opinion.  Hopefully the link works, I had some trouble with it sometimes, but I think I got it fixed.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Own Feed

Choice #3

1.  Nike
This would be the top feed since I own a lot of Nike brand stuff.  Almost all the shoes I own are Nike brand. I really enjoy them and think they feel very comfortable.  Whether I need shoes for running, basketball, or just casual wear around campus, I usually can be seen wearing Nike shoes.  I also own a couple t-shirts from them, and a majority of my athletic shorts are from Nike.  Nike also sponsors some of my favorite teams and players.  My feed would let me know when my favorite athletes get a new sponsorship, or when Nike comes out with a new product, or a new shoe.

I love playing with and using Sony's technology.  I play the PS3 quite often, and could play it more if my life wasn't quite as busy with work and schoolwork.  I used to have a Sony laptop, and liked it a lot.  It finally stopped working but only after 5 reliable years.  My new laptop is not a Sony, but when I have the money to be picky about what laptop I get, I think I will get a Sony again.  My feed would help me find deals that would save me money, and also keep me updated on the fast paced technology world.

3. AT&T
I have had couple different phone providers in my life, but I am very happy with AT&T.  They cover 97% of America, and I have not had any trouble with their service, or any problems with drop calls.  I plan on continuing to use this service, and my Feed would keep on keeping me in the loop with new phones and everything in that area.  Also, my feed could download immediate updates for my phone, and help me keep up to date with everything AT&T has to offer.

4.Blue Moon

After a long day at work, or when I need to take a break from studying, Blue Moon always hits the spot.  Whenever I go out for dinner, I usually will get a Blue Moon with it.  The orange slice that comes with every Blue Moon draft really brings out the orange flavor that the Blue Moon has in it.  My favorite place to go out to is in Harrisburg, because they always have Blue Moon for $2, and you cannot beat that deal.  Hopefully since Blue Moon is in my feed, they can give me some free beer.  My feed would look out for deals at different places and let me know where I can get it the cheapest.

Friday, February 11, 2011


"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately..."  I think I could actually do that.  Not for a long time, but sometimes it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  I go up to a hunting camp about once a year where there is no running water, and no cell phone service.  It is in the middle of the woods with a little creek running behind it with only dirt roads leading to and away from it.  I love sitting by the creek with the sound of running water and bird sounds and rustling of the trees in the wind.  However, that is only for a few weekends throughout the year, and not for weeks at a time.  This I think lets me know that I do not live with a "feed" installed in my head.  I can get away and survive without all the technology around me.  

This leads me to the extra credit assignment.  Right now at this time in my life, I could not go a week without using my cell phone, or my e-mail.  I do not have a land line at my apartment, and my supervisors from my internship would have no way to get in touch with me.  The majority of my classes include group projects which are going to be due in the next month require me to constantly check my e-mail, and text on my phone about meeting times, and what is due on what days.  I think it would be interesting to see if I could go without tv, because I love watching sports in the evening to relax and enjoy a few minutes away from my stressful school life.  Also, I do not think my girlfriend would be too happy with me if I stopped using my phone for a week. 

With all of this being I said I do think our society needs to learn to live without technology for a few weekends throughout the year.  Our culture runs on technology, while there is nothing wrong with that, I do think some time away from it is good for everyone.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"The Dumbest Generation"

After reading the article "The Dumbest Generation" it kind of saddened me, and kind of annoyed me as well.  I hate being lumped into it this category, but I feel like with the education I have received in high school and four years of college I know a basic understanding about many subjects and history.  The guy interviewed in the clip we watched in class (I forget his name) seemed to be a little to picky about what the members of our generation should know judging by the topics he used.  This is an example of each generation looking at the one below them, and saying they are "dumber" then us.  Even in class today our group was saying how the generation below us is going to be so much worse then us.
One quote I like from this article was "Like professors shocked to encounter students who respond with a blank-eyed "huh?" to casual mention of fireside chats, Antietam, or even Pearl Harbor."  For me fireside chats  were a big childhood memories from going camping or going to the cabin at least 5 times a summer with friends or family.  Finally the Pearl Harbor this is shocking, because it is a major day/event in the our nations history.  The blame for the generation can either be put on educators for not teaching the students about it, or our generation not caring and just being plain lazy.  For me, I know what Pearl Harbor is, and cannot comprehend how someone around my age does not know what Pearl Harbor is.

Finally in response to the Miss Teen America clip that was played in class all i can say is WOW!  That is so embarrassing for her, and the sad part is that she is not alone with the stupidity from our generation.  During, Tosh.0 a show on Comedy Central, comedian Daniel Tosh gives her a Web Redemption.  Now I know it has nothing to do with the dumbest generation but I love Tosh.0 and will always use any excuse I can to put a clip of it on my blog.