Monday, January 31, 2011

Second Skin

Watching this little segment about the online gaming world brought out the feeling of disbelief, and some humor out of me.  First of all, I can not imagine playing the game for 11 hours a day, working 8 hours, and only leaving 5 hours for sleep, eating, and other daily life operations.  To me I see this as a definite addiction to the game, and  find it hard to believe that someone can actually believe that the game is real life.  For instance the characters on the game are obviously made up creatures, and the "evil" creatures are made up as well.  They do not even look real in these types of games.  Another feeling of disbelief came when the one girl (Heather I think), was getting jealous when the fictional character of the man she liked would flirt with other characters in the game.  That is absolutely craziness in my mind.  Also, to say that she had fallen in love without even meeting this guy face to face is unreal to me.  Finally, the other thing that seemed unreal to me is how well that one girl who was expecting twins put up with the amount of time her fiance was gaming.  Hopefully he realizes that he needs to cut out the gaming and focus more on his family in the future.

Some humor I got out of this is that people will actually pay for gold in the game, and there is actually "goldfarmers" in China that get paid to play to earn gold to sell to American people.  That just adds to the example of "plentitude" that the American society has.  It actually kind of makes me sick thinking that people will pay real money to advance in a fictional world.  It just does not add up for me.  Overall, this segment about a second skin was kind of interesting to see how much of an addiction it actually was, and that there are halfway houses for addicted games.  It is interesting to see addiction stories that are caused by something other then drugs or alcohol.

This clip called LEROY JENKINS is all I could think of while watching this segment.  If you do not feel like watching the whole thing just skip to the 1:15 mark.  All these world of worldcraft guys are discussing a strategy, and Leroy Jenkins just runs in screaming his name and they all get killed.  For some reason I find this hysterical.  Hope you all enjoyed my thoughts on second skin, and feel free to leave comments.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hello everyone, my name is Bradley Weaver, but I go with Brad for the most part.  I am 22 years old and from New Holland which is in Lancaster County.  I am a senior management major with a concentration in Human Resources, and will be graduating in May of this year.  My interests include playing basketball and softball, watching pretty much any kind of sport (favorite teams are the Flyer, Eagles, Phillies, and the Lakers), playing video games, and just going out and having fun with all of my friends.  I really enjoy any kind of music minus heavy metal and music that includes screaming.  Rap/Hip-hop and country are probably my favorite 2 types of music.

I have an internship with Hershey Entertainment and Resorts as the HR intern for the food/beverage and ride operations office.  I also have been landscaping the past 4 summer for my summer job to earn some extra cash.  On campus, I work at the Shippensburg University Phone-a-thon and have been working there for about 3 semesters now.

The reason I took this class is mainly because it satisfies my last gen. ed. that I need to graduate, and the last book I read was probably Bleachers by John Grisham.  I like almost all John Grisham books and he is definitely my favorite author.  I do not have much knowledge about literature, and I probably haven't taken a literature class since high school.  Literature to me is kind of boring other then the occasional book I pick up and cannot put down until I finish it.  I would like to read more, but with my internship, my second job, and 5 classes there really isn't that much time in between for leisure reading.  Hopefully after graduation I can start reading for leisure again, and start enjoying books rather then hating textbooks!  Hope you all enjoyed my little introduction, feel free to leave comments if you want to learn any more about me.