Friday, March 25, 2011

Jersey Shore

I have watched the Jersey Shore ever since it first came out like 2 years ago.  This season I watched it from start to finish.  This past Thursday was the Season 3 finale, and it did not disappoint.  The guys were just out getting drunk, and trying to "hook up" with girls, while the Situation continued to try to cause drama.  Ronnie and Sam continued to fight and try to work out their relationship which does get quite annoying.  Snooki and Deena just tried to find someone to hook up with their last night in the beach house, and J-Woww started up a new relationship with her summer crush.  

This video was from the beginning of the episode and what started the new drama for the season finale.
This video was the climax of their fight (sorry about the language)
This video was the aftermath of the fight and them trying to work things out, which doesn't happen.

I think this is actually real for the most part (as sad as it is), but at the same time I think it is staged to keep the viewers coming back to watch each episode and each season.  I do believe the guys in this show act like this whether they are on camera or are just out for the night.  The girls drama is somewhat staged I think.  I think they are told to always cause a problem with each other then to make up to make them look mature, but then again I could be wrong.  Finally the Ronnie and Sammie saga is quite annoying, but real and fake at the same time.  I do believe they love each other, and want to be with each other, but disagree with each other.  The fake aspect of their relationship is how much they react to things.  I think they are told to overreact about everything to keep the people interested and keep them coming back for more.  In my opinion I respond to Vinny and Pauly D (the hostages) the most just because they never want to start drama and are always just trying to have a good time when they go out.  When I go out I enjoy having a good time (not even close to the level they do), but at the same time they joke around and have fun which is funny to watch.

I really enjoy watching the show, mostly because it is funny to watch how these people can actually live like this.  There is a perfect mix of comedy, and drama to keep me coming back to watch it again and again.  My role as a viewer is just to be entertained by the shinnanagins going on during the episodes.  One thing that annoys me though is obsessed people get when these characters come around to bars or other social gatherings.  I do not care that they are around, because they are kind of disgusting people and not good role models one bit. Reality TV just like any TV show would not exist if people did not watch them.  I think reality TV will be around for awhile as programs think of little things to change to make each show a little different from the ones before.  Which isn't that just like any television program or movie we watch?